Omtale av arrangement og klubben FGMC

Fantastisk konsert med Jessy Dixon i Finsland. Jessy Dixon fra Chicago og Belcanto fra Søgne skapte en uforglemmelig konsert på Finsland bedehus lørdag. Det måtte fintelling til for å ikke bryte brannforskriftene.

Les hva de skrev i Budstikka .

Jessy Dixon

Les reportasje fra konserten med Jessy Dixon i Finsland 14.02.09.

On Monday, June 1, The Hoppers departed New England for the European leg of their summer tour. The European trip included concerts in three countries.

The Hoppers om FGMC

Hva sier The Hoppers om FGMC?

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On June 3 the first stop took place at the Belfast Church of God in Belfast, Northern Ireland. From Ireland, the group made their way to Norway for six concerts in eight days, performing in Drummond, Skien, Vennesla, Stavanger, Bergen and Alesund. The tour concluded in Amsterdam, Holland on June 13.

The Finsland Gaither Music Club served as coordinator of the European tour,spending countless hours making travel arrangements and making certain every aspect of the Tour ran smoothly. “We were so blessed to have FGMC coordinating everything for us,” Hopper stated. “They graciously arranged travel plans, provided tours for us on our days off\ and treated us with first class hospitality. A very special thank you must be extended to Martin and ‘Dr. No’ (Kolbjorn) for their hospitality and humor throughout the tour.

We arrived in Stavenger, where we were greeted & picked up by Johan & Aud Halsne.  We then met Kolbjørn Hærås & went to the hotel to rest.  A few hours later, we went for coffee & a tour of the city & later had a wonderful dinner hosted by Kolbjørn, Johan & Aud.  We were able to walk out to the ocean & take pictures of the lovely scenery and the dinner was marvelous!

Thanks SO much for your wonderful hospitality shown to us.  We are eternally grateful and can’t wait to visit you and your country again!

Ladye Love & Reggie Smith

Ladye Love & Reggie Smith forteller fra deres Norgesbesøk

Finsland Gaither Music Club får oppmerksomhet i musikk-magasinet SINGING NEWS, der Woody Wright forteller om Norgesturnéen i 2008
Vi setter pris på å bli omtalt i de største gospel-musikkbladene i USA.
Woddy Wright forteller til Singing News om turnéen som Finsland Gaither Music Club arrangerte i Norge i 2008

Les hva de skrev i Budstikka .


Les reportasje fra konserten med Jessy Dixon i Finsland 14.02.09.